Living Maps and Critical Cartography

Critical Cartography

Our work is inspired by and part of the growing field of interest in the essential bond between people and place. How a sense of place shapes peoples perceptions, attitudes, and values, and how deeper connections and greater understandings of environment can lead to an enriching of experience. Our work employs critical cartography as a medium for exploration. More information on critical cartography can be found here.


Enchantment and wonder of space
Sense of place
Urban awakenings
Attention and ritual
Urban Ecologies
Restorative connections

Work In Context

Topophilia: A Study of Environmental Perceptions, Attitudes, and Values – Yi Fu Tuan

Space And Place: The Perspective of Experience – Yi Fu Tuan

Urban Awakenings: Disturbance and enchantment in an Industrial City – Samuel Alexander & Brendan Gleeson

Grounding Urban Natures: History and Futures of Urban Ecologies – Henrik Ernstson & Sverker Sorlin

New Directions in Radical Cartography: Why the Map is Never the Territory – Phil Cohen & Mike Duggan