Digital Technologies

While the experience will be enhanced if accessed in the location of the estate, this is not necessary as all of the content created can be accessed via links on Goodwin’s website for maximum user interaction, they are not dependant on geographical location.

Video Walks

Thought Experiments in F# Minor 2019 by Cardiff & Miller

The above is an ingenious example of how video on a phone can be used as a simple (from a user’s perspective) augmented reality experience. The user plays the pre-recorded video in the location and moves in response to the instructions/narrative and the movement in the video to give an enhanced experience of a location.

Sound Walks

For the creation of Sound Walks we will utilise the Echoes platform, more information here.

Enhanced Content

Through the use of QR codes we will augment the locations with content including images, video, audio, music, text and spoken word.